Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

Analysis Foreign Novel


Thanks to Allah the Lord of the world.  We prayed to You, because of His grace blessings we can complete this task entitled "Analysis Foreign Novel" in a timely manner.
            It is structured to meet the task subjects
Introductory to Literature. Also as a condition for getting a good grade in this course.
            In the preparation of this material, we involve multiple stakeholders, namely:
1. Mobit
, S.Pd , as a lecturer in Introdution to Literature that has guided us in the preparation of this task,
2. Our parents who have provided encouragement and support both morally and materially,
3. Classmates L (
Fourth Semester) Singaperbangsa Karawang University.
          We would like to thank those who have helped us in every way, so that the analysis can be resolved. May Allah reward all their kindness. Amin.
          We realize that this analysis is far from perfect, therefore criticism and suggestions from all stakeholders that are built for the perfection we always hoped this paper.

                                                                                     Karawang, May
27th, 2013


Preface......................................................................................................................  1

Contents....................................................................................................................  2

Chapter I. Introduction...............................................................................................  3

A.   Background of Story.......................................................................................  3

B.   Generally Story...............................................................................................  3

C.   Author.............................................................................................................  4

Chapter II. Analysis...................................................................................................  5

A.   Theme............................................................................................................  5

B.   Characters...........................................……………………………...................  5

C.   Setting............................................................................................................  5

D.   Plot..………………………...............................................................................  6

E.   Point of View...............................................................................................  7

Chapter  III. Closing...................................................................................................  9

A.   Conclusion......................................................................................................  9

B.   Opinion...........................................................................................................  9

References............................................................................................................... 10

Chapter I
The course Introduction to Literature is designed for the students of 4th semester at College especially the English Program. As the students are directed to have knowladge of literature and to have all material and method to planning its subject.
It is task for trying to analysis novel, especially foreign novel. It will support collegian to make decision and conclusion of what they read for, what the story mean, and why the story has interested. The task also examines collegian to explore their knowladge about material of literature subject.

A.  Background of Story
The story tells about someone, we can call him “Andy”. Andrew Defusce is famous Banker at 1960 era. In United Stated of America, He always to be trending topics if the government has problems about laws and corrupsion.
Andy is always involved to the cash because everyone knows about his skill and responsibility. Sometimes, somebody do not like if andy to be more famous of his job and they has bad intention to make him carrier down.

B.  Generally Problem
Begining the problem is when Andy came back to his home and met his wife was dishonest with other man, He was very angry and felt so poor with her. Andy chased away his wife and her boyfriend. They both run out of home but in front of home they got accident. There is car, it srucked both of them until died.
Pity but Andy, He was blamed about their death. Other friends on the same profesion could not help him because many person in goverment which not like Andy want to he must into poison.
Andy could not do anything because he is famous banker and he know about somebody don’t like him and want to make his carrier down. Andy always trying to be honest with his profession but the goverment which had problem with money, corrupsion, and another problems with banker did’nt like andy. That is main problem in this story, and main cash to make andy has big experient in poison of his life.

C.  Author
Name             : Alenne Green

Chapter II
A.  Theme
“Criminalogy” story explains all about hard to life in laws area, and make confortable in poison with natural condition. But it has meaningfull with intrick and reason to life better in poison. Andy makes different statement in life achievement of poison.

B.  Characters
·         Andrew Defusce (Andy)
·         Lissa Defusce
She is Andy’s wife, a beautiful woman who was Andy love her so much : (Nice, kind, but not be honest enough)
·         Alenne Green
He is Andy’s friend in Profession
·         Robbie Fox
Someone of goverment who has problem with banker cash and want to make Andy’s carrier down : (crafty, proudly person)
·         Colombus neils
King of poisoners : (Strong poisoner and abrupt person)
·         George Wilson
A police inspector who was fanatical about up holding the law in the  country
·         Sir. John Fredy
Chef of Poison’s Library : (patient and old person)

C.  Setting
·         Place
-       Andy’s House, California, USA
-       Poison
-       Sandyland beach
·         Time
In 1960, the story didn’t explain about specifictly time.

D.  Plot
1.    Andy lived likes normally others, he has beautiful wife, great job as a banker, he smart and famous with his profession.
2.    He was very busy and his wife was often alone at home. Someday his wife Lissa got dishonest with other man, he was her friend at college. Andy just to know and very angry what she did behind him.
3.    Lissa and her boyfriend out of home, so pity they are. They got accident on the way. There were the car hit them until died.
4.    Andy’s poor, He was blamed of this tragedy. All of people said that it was happened by him. Then someone on goverment who want to Andy’s carrier to be down. Directly Robbie Fox his name, Put on Andy to poison by participated the bad lawyer who he paid for.
5.    Finally, Andy was to be poisoner. He had to live in situation that he didn’t know before. It’s so hard to explain and make dicision.
6.    Sometimes Andy must to be breaker of stone with another poisoner in morning, Clean up field, and stayed on the dark room.
7.    But once a day in the rest time he came to library to read everything there. He met John Fredy. He was old man on the poison. His job was stay to clean and take care the library on poison.
8.    Andy always talk to much everyday with John. It was happened everytime and make Andy felt like met true teacher in life.
9.    Problem came when Andy met Colombus Neils the strong man and the king of poisoners. Andy was often get problem by him because he didn’t like Andy. Colombus broke his glasses and make Andy firsly felt uncomportable there.
10. Everyday Andy got distrubing by him but he was trying to be patient ang realize that it just only made by condition fair.
11. Andy never forgot to read and learn everytime. In his pocket always stay books or note that he read when he worked broking the stone, take a rest or lunch, and sleep in the room.
12. In the room, Andy made more note on the wall. She got allowed to do that and he has one big picture there.
13. One day, he read about fredom on some books, he realize that he was so far away from fredom and he just got mind to get fredom by himself.
14. Andy try to learn about living in the jail and make more notes about it. Sometimes another poisoners suppost that he took a stress and maybe crazy.
15. But, silently Andy made a hole on the wall in his room, every night he dig the wall and closed the hole with the big picture in the room so everyone didn’t ever know about it.
16. One year later, Andy who has patient to dig the hole finally has done with tunnel.
17. A night, when everyone in the poison had been sleeping. He decided to walked away. He came into tunnel and got the fredom of his life.
18. Out of poison, he hasn’t problem with money because he known everything about banker and so easy to took money in the bank.
19. Then he choosed to go away from USA and took alive in the hidden island which he called with sandyland beach island.
20. All of poisoners shock what he did. Nothing person ever could do like him. It was amazing way to him get fredom.
21. He changed his identity and lived alone in the privat island that he has.
22. Alenne Green, his friend met him and got story of his life. Andy also tell Alenne about everything that he got in poison. It was all about experient, knowladge, and information of poison’s life.

E.  Point of View
In this novel, Alenne Green as writter placed his figure to be a man who give information and story about his friend Andrew Defusce (Andy). He has more information and he was to be a narator in first until last session. So Andy was main character but he just to be actor who placed and acted by Alenne (writter).
Lastly by the strory, Alenne also put motivation and knowladge from the story of Andy’s life. Then he did not forget to say thanks for his friend Andy who has be inspiration to him and he hoped would be an inspirator for others people, especially reader of this novel.

Chapter III
A.  Conclusion
This novel is interested because contents more spirit about life, inspiration, and execution to choose one of more variable of options life. The story tells more about logical emotion and what reality happend if we stay in diferrent situation. Explanation will give me stronger than before and life will give point of true value why we get the life and wonder to change our life that should be better.

B.  Opinion
I think over all of materials this novel is well done. It doesn’t like a memorial basic but it has meaning that the true life story getting spirit for writter, and it hopes to meaningful inspiration reader also.

C.  Reference
Novel “Prison Nature - In memoriam of Andrew defusce”
Author : Alenne Green


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